Bible Study Material

Bible Study Material

Current Study Material


Three Year Study: "He Shall be our God and We Shall be His People"

Year 1 - We Shall Be Holy As God Is Holy

First Quarter: Our Awesome God

Second Quarter: Our Just God

Third Quarter: Our Holy God - Isaiah and the “Holy One of Israel”

Fourth Quarter (Wednesday): Colossians 3 - The New Self

Fourth Quarter (Sunday): Choose This Day - Pledge To Put Away Your Idols


Year 2 - We Shall Take Up Our Cross and Follow Christ

First Quarter: The Gospel of John: That You May Believe

Second Quarter: Hebrews: Better Savior. Bolder Saints

Third Quarter: Someone Is Coming

Fourth Quarter (Wednesday): Like Jesus

Fourth Quarter (Sunday): Ephesians - Because Jesus


Year 3 - We Shall Be Filled With The Spirit

First Quarter: Holy Spirit - A Biblical Overview- Part 1

First Quarter: Holy Spirit - A Biblical Overview- Part 2


Previous Bible Study Material

Three Year Study: "Doers of the Word"

Year 1 - Quarter 1 - "Staying on the Altar"

Year 1 - Quarter 2 - "In Step With the Spirit: Becoming Doers of the Word"

Year 1 - Quarter 3 "God's Instruction Manual - Becoming Wise Servants of the Word"

Year 1 - Quarter 4 "A Cup of Cold Water - Learning to Serve from the Master"

Year 2 - Quarter 1 "A Sweet Savor - Worship the Honors and Edifies"

Year 2 - Quarter 2 "Praise and Worship from Israel's Hymnal - The Psalms"

Year 2 - Quarter 3 "From Ritual to Reality: Prayer in Practice"

Year 2 - Quarter 4 "Final Exhortations: Worship in Revelation"

Year 3 - Quarter 1 "Sending the Light: Communicating According to Scripture"

Year 3 - Quarter 2 "The Fields Are White: Discussing Doctrine and Contemplating Conversion"

Year 3 - Quarter 3 "Shining the Light in Our Homes: Our Marriages and Families as Lights for the Lost"

Year 3 - Quarter 4 "Walking in the Light: Preaching without Words"


Three Year Study: "People of The Book"

Year 1 - Quarter 1 - “In the Beginning"

Year 1 - Quarter 2 - “ You Shall Be My People"

Year 1 - Quarter 3 - “ In the Days of the Judges"

Year 1 - Quarter 4 - “ Give Us a King (Part 1)"

Year 2 - Quarter 1 - “Give Us a King (Part 2)"

Year 2 - Quarter 2 - "A Remnant Shall Return"

Year 2 - Quarter 3 - "Judah and the Babylonian Captivity"

Year 2 - Quarter 4 - "Judah Alone and Captivity Working"

Year 3 - Quarter 1 - "The Life of Christ"

Year 3 - Quarter 2 - "The Beginning of The Church (Part - 1)"

Year 3 - Quarter 3 - "The Beginning of The Church (Part - 2)"

Year 3 - Quarter 4 - "Words To The Faithful"